
用卡知识 2023-08-26 14:51:42


可协商的 [词典] [法] negotiated; [例句]同样,企业在危机中学习到几乎一切都是可协商的道理。


Similarly, companies in crisis learn that almost everything is negotiable.。

quot;协商 quot;用英语怎么说? 协商 [ xié shāng ] . negotiation 词组为:consult with 或 talk things over “经过双方的协商,最终达成一致”英文怎么说 The two parties reach an agreement after discussion 47;consultation. 如有争议,双方协商解决 用英语怎么说 如有争议,双方协商解决 In case of dispute, the parties shall settle the dispute 注: parties n. 社交聚会( party的名词复数 ); 一方; [例句]All the interested parties eventually agreed to the idea. 所有利益相关方最终都同意了这一想法。

“经过双方的协商,最终达成一致”英文怎么说 在想变瘦的地方包保鲜膜,然后锻炼,比如跑步啊什么的,出汗就好 双方协商一致的英文怎么说 agree on. “经过双方的协商,最终达成一致”英文怎么说? The two parties reach an agreement after discussion 47;consult钉tion. 经过与业主的协商 英文怎么说? after negotiating with the owners 如有争议,双方协商解决 用英语怎么说 if any disputes occured,the two parties should settle them by negotiation. “经过双方的协商,最终达成一致”用英语怎么说 经过双方的协商,最终达成一致 After consultation by both sides, a final agreement was reached 重点词汇释义 经过after; by; pass; go through; as a result of 双方mutual; both sides; the two parties; dyad 协商consult; talk things over; arrange; confer with . on sth.; consult with 达成一致reach an agreement; e to an agreement 在平等,自愿,协商一致的基础上,达成如下协议英语怎么说啊 The following agreements are achieved on the basis of equality, voluntariness and unanimity through consultation.。


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