
农业银行 2023-08-07 02:47:10


逾期贷款 Overdue loan例句1、今后,各行仍应对逾期贷款进行严格的统计和监测。


From now on, each bank shall strictly account and monitor the overdue loans.provided by jukuu2、对逾期贷款应按中国人民银行有关规定进行统计与监测。

The overdue loans shall, according to the relevant regulations of the people 39;s Bankof china, be accounted and monitored. provided by jukuu3、商业银行采用以贷还贷的方式清收逾期贷款,在目前商业银行贷款业务中非常普遍。

AS a way of handling the overdue loans, the contract of Repaying loan with loan ( hereinafter referred to as the RLWL) is very common in the loan business of commercial banks. 。

过期的英文是past due。

读音:[p 230;st du 720;]表达意思:过期;逾期;逾期量;逾期金额;过期状态;过期未付。


固定搭配:long past due 早已到期 ; 早已过期。

例句1、This letter, I know, is long past due . 我知道,这封信早就该写了。

2、It 39;s a past due electricity bill, did you not pay this bill last month? 这是一张过期电费单。

你上个月没交电费吗?3、I 39;m wondering about your plans for paying your account which, as you know, is now over 40 days past due. 我想了解一下你方的付款计划,要知道,你方欠款已逾期40多天了。

  名词解释: ldquo;过期 rdquo;中文词汇。




你知道用英语怎么表达吗   The Shanghai Food and Drug Administration last night ordered a food processing plant in Jiading District ndash; a supplier to fast food giants like McDonald 39;s and KFC ndash; to suspend production following allegations it used out of date and substandard meat.   Officials from the agency raided the Husi Food factory about 9 pm, shortly after the broadcast of a Shanghai Television evening newscast.   In the program, an undercover reporter posing as a worker at Husi used a hidden camera to film his quot;colleagues quot; mixing expired meat with fresh cuts and lying to inspectors from McDonald 39;s.   在被指使用过期肉、劣质肉加工后,上海食药监局昨晚下令这一位于嘉定区的食品加工企业中止生产。



  在播出的节目中,一名伪装成福喜食品工作人员的卧底记者使用隐蔽摄像头,拍下了其 ldquo;同事 rdquo;将过期肉与新鲜肉混用,并向来自麦当劳的检察人员隐瞒事实的违规行为。

  【讲解】   文中的out of date就是 ldquo;过期 rdquo;的意思。

对于食品来说,保鲜期(shelf life)不同于保质期(expiration date)。

shelf life一般会用best by或best before(此日前食用最佳)标出,超过shelf life的食品即为out of date food,不能再销售。

  但是,shelf life只是表示食品在该日期后新鲜度及质量开始变差,expiration date则表示食品可能已经变质,不能再食用。


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