
农业银行 2023-07-06 10:01:24





一般而言,银行的信用卡逾期也有一个缓冲,那就是几天之内可能不会提醒,时间如果太长,银行一般会开始以短信或者 的形式来提醒你还款。






会有工作人员从早到晚的联系你,而这些 你不能视而不见听而不闻,你必须接,而且不管对方说什么你都要有一个好的态度。













比如需在信用卡申请表中以突出的字体明确说明计息规则,并通过网站等宣传渠道提供计算规则及模拟案例;信用卡到期还款日之前至少3天,银行还需通过账单、短信、电子邮件、 或信函等方式向持卡人进行还款提示。

参考资料来源:人民网 信用卡还款将提供宽限期。









What Happens If Credit Card Payment is Overdue for 4 Days?

Each bank has its own regulations regarding overdue credit card payments. Generally speaking, if a credit card payment is overdue for four days, it will be reported to the credit bureau. Most banks provide a grace period of three days after the due date for the cardholder to make the payment. If the payment is made within this grace period, it will still be considered on time and will not have any negative impact. However, if the payment is made on the fourth day or later, it will be considered as an overdue payment.

The bank will report the cardholder's overdue record to the credit system maintained by the central bank, resulting in a negative credit history.

In addition, the bank will charge an overdue interest rate, which is usually 0.05% per day, calculated on a compound basis until the outstanding balance is paid off.

Effects of Credit Card Overdue Payment

There are several consequences of credit card overdue payment:

1. Difficulty in increasing credit limit: Even one instance of overdue payment can make it difficult to request a higher credit limit.

2. Negative credit history: If a cardholder has three consecutive overdue payments or six cumulative overdue payments, it will result in a negative credit history. This can make it challenging to apply for loans or obtain new credit cards in the future.

3. Credit card freeze: If the overdue amount exceeds a certain threshold or duration, the bank may freeze the credit card.

4. Additional charges: In addition to late fees (typically calculated as 5% of the minimum payment due), the bank will also charge a daily interest rate of 0.05% on the entire statement balance until it is fully paid off.

How Long Does Credit Card Overdue Payment Affect Credit History?

The impact of credit card overdue payment on credit history depends on the type of record:

1. Credit card overdue payment record: The repayment information of a credit card will be recorded in the central bank's credit system for 24 months. If there are no new records of overdue payment during this period, the overdue payment record will be retained for a longer time. Therefore, it is advisable not to cancel the credit card immediately after an overdue payment. Instead, continue using the card responsibly for at least two years to improve the credit history and eliminate the overdue record.

2. Bad credit record due to loan default: According to the "Regulations on the Management of Credit Reporting Business," the storage period for personal bad credit information is five years from the date of the default behavior or event. After five years, the record should be deleted. Therefore, if a loan generates a bad credit record, as long as no further overdue payments occur within five years, the record will be automatically eliminated.

When Does Credit Card Overdue Payment Affect Credit History?

The impact of credit card overdue payment on credit history varies in the following scenarios:

1. Within three days of the due date: Most banks provide a grace period for cardholders to make payments within three days of the due date without any negative consequences. However, the specific policies may vary between banks. For example, Agricultural Bank of China allows a grace period of two days, while Construction Bank offers an automatic extension of five days. To confirm the grace period, it is recommended to contact the bank's customer service. As long as the payment is made within the grace period, it will not be reported to the credit bureau and no penalty interest will be charged.

2. Overdue for more than three days: Generally, if the payment is overdue for more than three days, it will be reported to the central bank's credit system, and the bank will charge late fees and penalty interest at the rate of 0.05% per day. However, since the overdue period is relatively short, the impact on future loan applications or credit card approvals may not be significant.

3. Overdue for more than 90 days or accumulated six times: This will seriously affect the individual's credit history and may result in being blacklisted by financial institutions. It will be difficult to apply for loans, obtain credit cards, and even affect transportation services.

In conclusion, overdue credit card payments can have a significant impact on personal credit. It is recommended to repay the outstanding amount as soon as possible. If unable to make the full payment, cardholders can try to negotiate with the bank for an extended repayment period or installment plan.

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