你被银行起诉了吗翻译需要了解的流程及注意事项,逾期催收方式包括上门催收、短信、 等多种途径,通过本文可以了解如何通过协商减轻催收压力。
这句话“这个物料的交期我们在等待你的确认 你久久不能回复 是遇到什么问题了吗”这句话翻译后,最好不用问号结尾。
We have been waiting for your confirmation on the delivery date of the material, but you did not reply for some time. We would like to know if you have met any issues. 加一句Your kind reply at your earliest convenience is highly appreciated.我们感谢您在您方便的时候尽早回复。
We will reply you later for the new order. Please find attached revised invoice and our banking information, please confirm by return.